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Depression & Impotence: The Harmful Effects of Depression in Men

Depression is often a major cause of sexual dysfunction and impotence. Depression and erectile dysfunction affect men’s ability to achieve erections. Thus, depression can often lead to poor sex drive.

Exploring Serious Effects of Depression

According to a study by the University of Missouri‘s Columbia School of Medicine, 70% of people who suffer from depression report a significant loss of sexual desire. Therefore, impotence is one of the manifold effects of depression in men.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve and maintain an erect penis sufficient for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction can affect as many as 1 in 3 men worldwide.

Between ED and depression, sexual dysfunction is often associated with older men. However, depression can potentially affect men of all ages.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression affects almost 7% of all Americans over the age of 18. Thus, depression occurs as early as adolescent stage.

Possible Causes of Depression

Trauma and stress are one of the few causes of depression. Depression can lead to feelings of fatigue, worthlessness, suicide and significant weight loss or weight gain. Other causes of depression include social isolation, abusive behaviors, familial history and chemical imbalance.

Erectile dysfunction and depression are intertwined. The psychological and physiological symptoms of depression often lead to ED. Erectile dysfunction and impotence can result to poor self- esteem and broken relationships.

Some medications for treating depression can have sexual side effects.  This can result to difficulty in men to achieve an erection.

The inability to maintain sexual performance often causes serious problems. Many times, men associate their ability to perform sexually with their personal vitality and self-esteem. Sexual dysfunction can lead to feelings of failure and denial.

If left untreated, depression and impotence may harmfully affect relationships. Therefore, it’s best to consult an expert regarding the treatments available for ED and depression.

Low Testosterone Level Predisposes Men To Erectile Dysfunction

Low testosterone levels are often associated with erectile dysfunction. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics.  Also, it plays a vital role in the proper development of the mind and body.

What Causes Low Testosterone in Men?

Aging is one of the predisposing factors of low testosterone level.  As men ages, testosterone level decreases by about 1% every year after the age of 35. Consequently, around 10% suffer from low testosterone levels every 10 years.

Some men experience greater loss of testosterone levels for several reasons. Lower levels of testosterone will likely predispose men to weight gain, loss of energy and diminished bone density.

Research found a deep connection between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is not an isolated problem. However, it serves as a host of other psychological problems such as depression.  Low testosterone and impotence affect men’s sexual drive.

What Can Cause Lowered Libido?

Low testosterone levels can cause lowered libido. Here are few ways that can lower testosterone levels in the body.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Studies from the New England Journal of Medicine have shown that alcohol and low testosterone in men affect sexual life and can lead to erectile dysfunction. Alcohol suppresses testosterone by increasing the breakdown and removal of the hormone from the blood.  As a result, alcohol decreases the rate of testosterone production. For healthy testosterone levels, an average man can have 1-2 alcoholic drinks on a daily basis.


Certain medications can hinder testosterone production by damaging the nervous, vascular and endocrine system.  Medications such as antihypertensive, antidepressant, tranquilizers and anticholinergic drugs can cause low testosterone levels.

Effects of Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is a condition that causes tiny nodules of an inflamed tissue to develop in the vital organs. These smaller nodules bond together to form larger nodules that interfere with the normal body functions. Sarcoidosis of the testicle causes a sharp decrease of testosterone production and lead to infertility.

The production of male testosterone is also affected by other conditions. This includes chronic illness, chemotherapy, pituitary disorders and trauma. Thus, to prevent serious effects of low testosterone level in men, early diagnosis and treatment from a specialist are essential.

Testosterone Levels: Exploring New Ways To Increase Libido

Feelings of depression in most men are a result of low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Impotence affects men’s ability to maintain a satisfying sexual life. Higher testosterone levels can greatly increase libido and prevent erection problems. Also, it can help improve mood and enhance energy levels.

There are highly effective synthetics available for raising testosterone levels. On the other hand, there are also natural ways to increase testosterone. Hormone replacements are necessary to prevent serious effects of low testosterone and impotence.

Here are a few ways on how to improve testosterone levels:

Adequate Sleep

Studies made by the University of North Carolina found that men suffer from sleep deprivation have lower testosterone levels about 40%. However, testosterone level increases by 30% during daytime. To be safe, you should have 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Also, low testosterone level can predispose men with erection problems.

Fighgt Stress

Stress releases a hormone called cortisol. This works by creating enzymes that slow down testosterone production in the testes. Also, cortisol can cause excessive fat accumulation. Obesity is one of the risk factors of decreasing testosterone levels. Low testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction when left untreated.

Increase Sexual Stimulation

Studies show that sexual stimulation can help improve testosterone levels. If you have difficulty achieving erections, better seek medical advice from an expert. Physicians will help identify and treat erection problems.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol reduces testosterone concentration in the liver. A severe drop of testosterone can alter normal body functions. As a result, men are exposed to health threats.

Weight Monitoring

Obese men over 45 years have double chances of lower testosterone than those of healthy weight. Studies also show that as a person’s BMI (body mass index) increases, their testosterone level decreases. Weight reduction is one of the few ways to improve testosterone levels.

Take Your Vitamins

Vitamins A, B, E, C and zinc are all essential for testosterone production. It is important to increase testosterone to prevent erection problems.  A healthy diet consists of fresh fruits, lean meats, nuts and vegetables improve men’s overall health.

Exercise on a Daily Basis

Losing fat and building muscle is a sure way to increase testosterone levels. A 30 minute workout a day can work wonders in preventing erection problems. Free weights and muscle-building activities are best exercise in raising testosterone levels.

A normal testosterone level has a huge impact on man’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to seek for medical advice from an expert. Physicians will help provide the best course for low testosterone and impotence.

Causes of Low Testosterone Levels: Understanding How Low Testosterone Results In Impotence

Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction can predispose men to health hazard. Testosterone is chiefly responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics.  These sexual characteristics include deepening of the voice and broadening of the shoulders and chest.

Testosterone plays a vital role in men’s sexual drive. Hence, a drop in testosterone levels can greatly affect a man’s libido or urge to have sex. Also, low testosterone level can lead to erectile dysfunction and other erection problems when left untreated.

What are the Possible Causes of Low Testosterone levels?

According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, obese patients have significantly lower testosterone levels than men with healthy weight. Obesity is often associated with high cholesterol, which can limit blood flow to the penis. As a result, men will find difficulty to achieve erections and may further lead to erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes is also one of the main causes of low testosterone levels. CBS News Health reports how diabetes can potentially lead to low testosterone levels.  Testosterone works to burn off fats and regulates insulin levels. Thus, low testosterone levels can worsen the symptoms of diabetes.

Doctors from the University of New York at Buffalo support that about one-third of men with diabetes are at risk of high body fat, low muscle mass, low bone density and erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes can affect men’s sexual function by destroying the blood vessels and arteries necessary for an erection. Hence, most men with diabetes often suffer from low testosterone and impotence.

Glandular problems are another potential cause of low testosterone levels.  Testes produce testosterone as a result of stimulating the luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland. When testicles fail to produce adequate amounts of the hormone in spite of normal pituitary production, men can suffer from low testosterone and impotence. This is condition is known as primary testicular failure.

Another common glandular cause of low testosterone level is inadequate production of pituitary luteinizing hormone. This is often due to a pituitary gland defect or tumor.

To prevent serious problems of low testosterone, hormone replacement therapies will help these problems solve. Testopel is a hormone treatment often have great success in raising testosterone levels.  This is safe and effective for both old and young men with hormone deficiency.

All About Testopel Pellets

Testopel insertion is absolutely free from pain. The insertion area is three to four inches below the beltline or approximately at the top of the rear hip pocket. Each pellet is about one-third of the size of a dime. It is implanted below the skin into the fat layers where most men are not aware about it.

A specialist will determine the right number of pellets. After the insertion, doctors will seal the implant site using Steri-Strips. Stitches are not necessary for this kind of treatment. Ice compress in the site is important to relieve inflammation.

Testopel is proven beneficial to men with low testosterone and impotence. Also, Testopel help reduce incidence of erectile dysfunction and other erection problems.

Low Testosterone Symptoms Every Man Should Know

Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction (ED) can occur in men of all ages. Although, it is often common in older men.  Many times, erectile dysfunction can result to lower libido and irritability in men.

Most men believe that low testosterone and sexual dysfunction are evident signs of aging. However, ED and poor libido often associated with low testosterone are reversible cases. Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) can help reverse common low testosterone symptoms. HRT is necessary for men to achieve sexual satisfaction.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of low testosterone in men:

Mood Swings

In men, irritability and low testosterone levels are closely linked. Several researchers believe that low testosterone levels affect men’s disposition as they age.  Often times, older men with low testosterone and sexual dysfunction are easily anxious. On the other hand, men who have HRT exhibit lesser mood swings.

Poor Libido

What can cause lowered libido? Testosterone is a hormone responsible for male secondary sex characteristics.  Low testosterone levels can lower men’s libido. As a result, they often suffer from an unproductive sexual life. Therefore, it is best to discuss sexual concerns with a specialist.

Erectile Dysfunction

Low testosterone levels can lead to sexual dysfunction and impotence. Erectile dysfunction can seriously hamper a man’s sexual relationship. Also, it can lead to a psychological dilemma such as low self-esteem, denial and depression.

Body Malaise

Men with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction mostly suffer from loss of energy.  For an instance, physical activities that were easy before will take more time and effort, to accomplish this time. Low testosterone can also affect the ability to recover after strenuous exercise. Generally, fatigue will prevent men from engaging into healthy activities.

Muscle Atrophy and Weight Gain

Most common low testosterone symptoms in men are fatigue and body malaise. Fatigue can eventually lead to muscle wasting. By avoiding strenuous activity, a sedentary male can lose up to 10% of lean muscle every 10 years. This condition is known as Muscle Atrophy. Also, lack of lean muscle will increase the likelihood of weight gain.  Low testosterone levels can also lead to fat accumulation around the waist.

Normal testosterone levels are necessary for a healthy heart. As testosterone level decreases, cholesterol and triglyceride levels also increase. Low testosterone level is often associated with dilation of coronary arteries. In addition, it also predisposes men to hypertension and high fibrinogen levels.

Testosterone plays a significant role in men’s overall health. A drop in testosterone at the age of 30 is a natural adaptation of the body as it ages. However, men suffering from common symptoms of low testosterone should immediately consult a doctor for treatment.  Therefore, early diagnosis is important to prevent serious effects of low testosterone and erectile dysfunction in men.

Diabetes & ED: Finding Answers To Common Questions

In addition to our articles and informational pages, you will find a list of introductory questions and answers about the relationship between diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

The following are most common questions about diabetes and impotence:

What are the available treatments for patients suffering from diabetes and erectile dysfunction?

Men with diabetes should take extra precaution when self-treating impotence. There are lots of ED treatment for diabetics in the market. However, it is important to seek for medical help with a doctor to ensure an effective treatment for ED.

Some men with diabetes find drugs like Cialis, Viagra and Levitra inappropriate on addressing impotence, especially for men taking medications for heart disease and high blood pressure. These drugs can interfere with cardiac medications and may not be safe to take. There are manifold ED treatment for diabetics that are available in the market. However, it is important to talk to a specialist about the safest ED treatment options for your case.

Viagra and other ED drugs, do not work for some patients with Type 1 Diabetes. Is this normal?

This is quite normal. According to studies conducted by The Cleveland Clinic, half of men with type 1 and type 2 diabetes do not see successful results when using these medications. However, there are other safe and effective ED treatment options that are available for diabetic.

I’m suffering from diabetes for almost 4 years, yet I do not experience erectile dysfunction.  Is this possible?

Unfortunately, diabetes affects people in different ways. However, it has no clear evidence that all diabetic patients must suffer from erectile dysfunction at the same time. Although, it is common that diabetes causes impotence in men within 10 years from the onset of the disease.

Can a diabetic patient become impotent?

Men with diabetes are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than those who haven’t had. However, erectile dysfunction is not always present in diabetic men. Maintaining a healthy diet, controlling blood sugars and exercising regularly are some of the ways to avoid ED. Thus, you should speak with your doctor about the right ED treatment for you.

Why does diabetes cause erectile dysfunction?

Diabetes damages the blood vessels and nerves that supply the penile tissue with enough blood to form an erection. Even a small loss of blood flow to the penis can have a serious effect.

Heart problems, common in diabetic men, are also linked to ED in many cases. Further, the constant change in blood sugar level can cause fibrosis or (loss of elasticity of the penile tissue). As a result, it prevents the penile tissues from retaining blood causing erectile dysfunction and even impotence.

Diabetes Lifestyle: A Better Way Out To Improve Men’s Health

It’s almost a foregone conclusion when dealing with diabetes, that other health problems affecting men’s health arise.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a persistent and chronic effect of diabetes in men. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss concerns about ED with a doctor instead of fixing problems all by yourself. A great way to cure for diabetes and erectile dysfunction is through adopting a healthy lifestyle for diabetics.

Making a personal decision to lead a healthier lifestyle for diabetics is just simply taking care of the body instead of giving it a reason to become ill. However, acquiring diabetes doesn’t mean you need to suffer erectile dysfunction for a lifetime. Thus, proper control of blood sugar level is crucial at this stage.

Here are 7 healthy lifestyles of diabetics that can uplift sexual health:

Control Blood Sugar Level

Proper control of blood sugar level lowers potential damage in the nerve and blood vessel. Nerve damage created by improper control of blood sugar often contributes to erectile dysfunction. If you encounter difficulty in doing this all by yourself, consult a medical professional for help.

Exercise Regularly

Routine exercise is proven to improve overall health and lessen the risk for a variety of medical conditions.  A partner in exercise is helpful in increasing your motivation to stay fit.

Adequate Rest Improves Men’s Health

Fatigue prevents the body from functioning at its optimal levels. As a result, your body is susceptible for diseases and it also affect men’s health. Therefore, adequate rest is essential for the body to function well.

Modify Medications if Necessary

Taking medications that might contribute to erectile dysfunction must address the issue with your doctor. You can also ask if any alternatives are available.

Lessen Your Stress Level

Stress is the root of all health problems that affect the lifestyle of diabetics. It is important to organize tasks and set realistic expectations. Ask for help when necessary, and have a break during the day.

Stop Smoking: Promote Healthier Lifestyles for Diabetics and Erectile Dysfunction Patients

Smoking and high blood sugar narrow blood vessels and reduce penile blood flow necessary to achieve and maintain healthy erections. Thus, proper control of blood sugar levels and abstinence from smoking greatly help.

Regular Visit with a Doctor

Don’t wait for problems to worsen, consult a doctor and seek for help. Like most other medical conditions, cure for diabetes and erectile dysfunction is easy if addressed early. Make it a point to schedule regular check-ups.

It’s important to take care of our body, because it has different ways of letting us know. Regular check-up with a specialist is a great avenue for obtaining professional feedback on your new lifestyle. Also, this is a better way to prevent from having serious effects of diabetes in men. Talking about sexual health can be embarrassing, even with a medical professional. However, nothing is worthwhile when achieving a healthy sexual life.

Changing your lifestyle is a big step , especially for patients with diabetes. Your doctor must be present in every step of the way. If you feel uncomfortable and think that your doctor isn’t addressing your sugar concerns, you can seek a second opinion from other specialist.

Indeed, healthier lifestyle for diabetics promotes wellness and prevents further disability especially on men’s health.

High Cholesterol Factors: A Risk For Men’s Sexual Problems

High cholesterol levels can put you at risk for cardiovascular diseases including cardiac arrest and stroke. Sufficient awareness on our current lifestyle and behavior is vital as this could be a risk factor for cardiac arrest. Also, high cholesterol among men is the major cause of men’s sexual problem including erectile dysfunction and impotence. High cholesterol can damage arteries and veins that allow adequate blood flow to the penis resulting to erection problems.

The following are high cholesterol factors that predispose men to compromise health:

Family History of High Cholesterol (Hereditary):

Do you have immediate family member who suffers from high cholesterol?  A family history of high cholesterol has a greater risk for men’s sexual problem. Scientists have found a direct genetic link between cholesterol levels among family members.  A genetic history of higher cholesterol levels even with a relatively healthy diet could be at risk for the disease.  It has also been shown that unhealthy eating habits among family members could be passed from generation to generation.  Therefore, family’s eating habits are essential to consider avoiding subsequent generations at risk for high cholesterol.

Age and Sex

Age plays a vital role in high cholesterol levels, however it varies by sex.  For men, cholesterol levels begin to rise from age twenty years old and decreases somewhere in the early fifties. The rise of cholesterol levels in a male patient disposes him to have men’s sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and impotence. Therefore, high cholesterol and sex are one of leading risk factors for sexual and erection problems in men. On the other hand, women have fairly low cholesterol levels until menopause. After menopause, women’s bad cholesterol also known as low density lipoproteins tend to rise.

Physical Inactivity among ED Patients

Do you have inactive lifestyle such watching TV on the couch and doing desk job for long periods? Thus, physical inactivity among ED patients is link with high cholesterol levels.  Proper exercise is necessary for men with erectile dysfunction and high cholesterol levels.  Getting the right amount of exercise lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol). You can spend 30 minutes a day for five days a week to achieved normal levels of cholesterol in the body.


Nicotine is an active and addictive ingredient in tobacco products that stimulates the release of adrenaline into the system. In return stimulates the breakdown of fats and increases the blood levels of free fatty acids including the release of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) and triglyceride into the bloodstream. Hence, increasing levels of very low density lipoprotein in the blood can lead to poor cholesterol control. In some instances, smoking can cause erectile dysfunction and impotence.

Unhealthy Eating Practices

Lastly, eating habits have the greatest impact on cholesterol levels. A food rich in saturated fat, trans fat and low fiber lead to high cholesterol levels.  Thus, the best way to lower cholesterol levels is through eating a well balance diet high in soluble fiber and whole grains.

Indeed, erectile dysfunction and high cholesterol levels could be prevented through physical exercise, proper eating habits and lifestyle change.

ED As A Medication Side Effect?

Impotence as a side effect of prescription medication is a real, quantifiable problem.  According to WebMD, over two hundred prescription medications can trigger, contribute to, or exacerbate erectile dysfunction.  If you’re currently experiencing difficulty maintaining an erection, it’s a good idea to consult with your physician about what sorts of medication you’re taking and what their possible side effects could be.

Boston Medical Group physicians believe in a natural, integrated approach towards treating ED.  This includes a comprehensive view of all medication the patient may be taking, or planning to take.  Neglecting this aspect of treatment and diagnosis often leads to entirely preventable side effects and complications.

It’s Not As Small As You Think

If you are unhappy with the size of your penis, consider this: 85 percent of women are happy with the dimensions of their partner’s penis.

A study by two British urologists shows that many men suffer from “small penis syndrome” – caused by the anxiety of thinking one’s penis is small… when it isn’t.

The report urges doctors to not to dismiss their male patients’ worries, even though they most likely suffering an imaginary defect. Dismissing those concerns can aggravate their patients’ concerns.

The research found that 45 percent of men wish they had a larger penis, even though very few have a truly small penis – referred to clinically as a micropenis – that is less than 2.75 inches long when erect.

The average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long.

Looking for more information on this or other topics?  Boston Medical Group is dedicated to fostering men’s sexual health accross the United States.